Local Organizer
Alessandro Padovani and Andrea Pilotto
Brain Health Center, University of Brescia
Organizing Secretariat
Siena Congress
Via del Rastrello, 7 – 53100 Siena
Tel. 0577 286003 email: info@sienacongress.it
Course description
The Summer School is an opportunity for young neurologists and neuroscientists who are interested in specializing in Neurodegenerative diseases to receive in-depth instruction from internationally-recognized experts.
Students will attend large lectures and panel discussions with question and answer sessions and will have the opportunity to visit biological laboratories using the different techniques and discuss them with international experts.
The specific learning Objectives are:understand the technical strengths and limitations of different techniques used for the assessment of biofluid markers;Evaluate the clinical use and implications for the use of biological markers in clinical and research scenarios;Understand the rationale and review the more recent evidences for biolo- gical markers assessment in new disease-modifying target therapies across neurodegenerative diseases.
Registration Fees
NB: due to organizational reasons, all registrations should be processed within July 5th 2024
500,00 euro (VAT 22% included)
Attendance Registration fee includes:
• Admittance to the Scientific Sessions
• Conference documents and Certificate of Attendance
• Catering service (coffee breaks and lunches)
Payment methods
Bank transfer
SienaCongress s.r.l.
UNICREDIT Siena Via Tolomei
IBAN IT 31 M 02008 14205 000105006259
Full payment of fees (accepted in EURO only) is required in order to attend the Summer School ;
payments must be net of all bank charges and they must refer to “SUMMER SCHOOL NEUROBS 2024+participant’s NAME/SURNAME”.
Copy of the transfer receipt must be sent by e.mail to info@sienacongress.it
Local Faculty
Sofia Bonomelli, University fo Brescia
Duilio Brugnoni, ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia
Alice Galli, University of Brescia
Roberto Gasparotti, University of Brescia
Silvia Giliani, University of Brescia
Virginia Quaresima, ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia
Andrea Rizzardi, University of Brescia
Chiara Tolassi University of Brescia
Chiara Trasciatti, University of Brescia
Free bursary application
Application deadline: July 11, 2024
Free bursary application is now available for European and extra-Europe participants: full registration in presence and accommodation will be awarded for participation in this event.
In order to apply for Free Bursary, please send an e-mail to the Organizers of the Summer School (info@sienacongress.it) including the following information:
- your complete Name and Surname
- your affiliation (name of the Institution and complete address)
- a short personal statement on how attendance at this Summer School will influence your professional practice
- a statement explaining the justification of funds
- your complete CV